Artist: Jennifer Steinkamp Title: One saw; the other saw. Date: 2001 Soundtrack: Jimmy Johnson Dimensions: screen 7 x 15 feet, room 44 x 40 feet Equipment: Epson 7700 3000 lumen projector, rearscreen, stereo sound, tunnel, Macintosh G3 computer, EZIO. Photo credit: Robert Wedemeyer, courtesy ACME, Los Angeles and greengrassi, London. Exhibition History: Rice University Art Gallery, curated by Kimberly Davenport, September 21 - October 28, 2001. Description: One saw; the other saw. was made in response to the large expanse of windows looking into the gallery. I considered that many of the viewers might be someone passing through. The piece is about looking, and shifting perspectives. The artwork responds to the viewer's point of view by shifting as one walks by. The work is intentionally playful, it creates an experience where complex ideas about perception can be enjoyed on a physical level. Catalog: Kimberly Davenport and Gail Swanlund, One saw; the other saw. (Houston, Texas: 2001) On-line essay: