Artist: Jennifer Steinkamp Title: Aria Date: 2000 Soundtrack: Jimmy Johnson Dimensions: 1500 x 90 feet, 90 feet up, 4 city blocks long, 5 minutes, LG 7552 x 552 pixels Photo credit: Jennifer Steinkamp, courtesy ACME, Los Angeles, The Fremont Street Experience, Las Vegas, and greengrassi, London. Exhibition History: Lightscapes, The Fremont Street Experience, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 15 - December 15, 2000. Description: Aria is an abstract light and sound artwork created for the Fremont Street Experience video canopy, Las Vegas. Abstract forms fly by over head, zooming up and down the giant canopy. The abstract animation follows in the visual music traditions of Fantasia and the corridor sequence from 2001: A Space Odyssey; The drama and scale of the arced vault is accentuated with light, motion and sound. The canopy, dancing with light becomes music while the sound is rendered visual. Commissioned by: the City of Las Vegas Arts Commission. Part of the Collection: The Fremont Street Experience, Las Vegas, Nevada.